
SouthCenter SDA Church Events:

Starting Apr 6 - Explore the Future - Daniel and Revelation for Kids 8+ yrs.

Special Speaker Pastor Tony Kimbley presents: The Evolution of Evangelism. Please join us in Person @ 10:30 AM on July 27, 2024

Special Speaker Dr. Rameana Sibarani ND speaking on: Natural Health Remedies for Daily Living. Please join us in Person @ 4 PM on July 27, 2024

Special Week of Prayer by Dr. Philip Samaan titled: The Mideast Messiah. Starts on July 28, 2024 and every night at 7PM on Zoom. Please contact us for the Zoom link.

Video Bible Studies:

Are you searching for Bible knowledge? Would like to know more about Jesus? Please click on our video Bible study link here to join our Bible study group.

Please join us every morning for 6:30 AM morning prayer and Bible Reading. Please click here to join us. 

United Prayer: Do you need prayer? Are you struggling in Life? You need prayer! Please join us every night for United Prayer at 7:00 PM - 7:30PM. Click here at 7:00 PM to join us.

Please Join us for Woman’s Ministry Bible Study on Monday’s @ 7:30 PM. Click here on Monday.